Full Name *
Landline No *
Surname *
Previous Rental Reference *
ID Number *
Employer/Student *
Residential Address *
Employer/Landlord Contact Number *
Email *
Banking Details of Guarantor/Student *
Cell No *
Monthly Income *
Student No *
Academic Year *
Gender *MaleFemale
R2 000.00 | VAT inc | Non-refundable | First month rental
ACCOUNT NO: 4 0 9 9 1 7 2 1 2 1
BRANCH CODE: 6 3 2 0 0 5
STUDENT REF: Name & Surname
October - 1st payment
November - 2nd payment
December - 3rd payment
Full payment
The guarantor / student agrees and allows MyStudentSA to contact, request and obtain information at any time and from any credit provider (or potential credit providers) or registered credit bureau, to assess the behavior, profile, payment patterns, indebtedness, whereabouts and credit worthiness of the applicant as a potential tenant. The guarantor / student consent to MyStudentSA accessing, storing, screening or processing its personal information, as defined in the Protection of Personal Information Act (No 4 of 2013), which MyStudentSA reasonably requires. This is subject to MyStudentSA complying with all provisions of this Act.
Guarantor Signature *
Student Signature *
Date *